Online Learning task

SaTURdAy aND sUNdAY dAy 3

I wasn’t really sure if we were suppose to do this online learning blogging task on the weekends but why not. Today has been kind of miserable weather and we can’t do anything outside, there was lots of rain and a bit of thunder. My mama told me that when she had a dog he would bark and bark at the thunder because dogs have better hearing then us and that it could really hurt there ears when the thunder got really loud. Just imagine hearing this really loud noise and not knowing where it is coming from and it would just get louder and louder, that would be scary but my dog ollie didn’t seen to care.

One thought on “Online Learning task

  1. Hi! This is Anisha, I just wanted to say that I love your blog posts! Full of detail and also nicely set up. I’ve always wanted a dog but my family and I love travelling so it is a bit hard to travel a lot and then have to pay extra for someone to take care of your dog. Overall….you have a REALLY, REALLY, REALLY good blog!

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